Councilmembers Robin Wonsley and Jeremiah Ellison authored a historic resolution to address the historic and ongoing harms of Olson Memorial Highway, a notoriously unsafe highway that destroyed a Black and Jewish community when constructed and continues to divide and pollute communities. Email the Public Works & Infrastructure (PWI) Committee and express support of this resolution.
What does the resolution say?
You can read the full document here, but essentially the resolution serves as a public endorsement in support of the removal of Olson Memorial Highway from the City of Minneapolis.
In place of the low-trafficked, redundant highway, the resolution commits to supporting space for community-guided development, affordable housing and commercial space, new parks, and a transit corridor redesign that prioritizes public health, racial equity, safety, affordability, and sustainability.
Take Action
The Public Works & Infrastructure Committee meets May 4th at 1:30PM to decide whether to approve it for a full City Council vote. Express your support to the committee members!